Forward or Stuck
I haven’t written in a while due mostly to the conflict of moving forward (taking a chance) and remaining stuck where I am (financially secure). However, I recently watched a video touting a vegan diet as the healthiest diet for humans; one of several I’ve watched. This one, pulled me out of my funk. How can a documentary about going plant-based wake me up? Since studying LCHF, that’s all I talk about. But I’ve come to realize that just because that was my choice, it may not be everyone’s. Just like the Standard American Diet is not for everyone, especially for those with insulin resistance or metabolic issues.
I am stuck in a place that will only allow me to “stay in my lane”, follow the rules. Even though, I know, the standard of care cannot be standard for everybody. Each person is unique through DNA and life experiences, a combination that lends to a personal journey, not an SOP written on paper by people who decided long ago. I am choosing to not stay the straight and narrow path and encourage you to do the same.
I know I want to move forward to truly help others reverse, or at the very least improve, their health with lifestyle change. This takes a great leap of faith and trust that I will be able to earn an income. It takes strength knowing I am traveling up stream against the current standard of care. It takes stamina to withstand the critics and nay-sayers. But here I am, thinking of all my potential clients who would benefit from learning about themselves, what life has to offer, and how to get there. I’m taking that step forward.
Who’s with me? Are you ready to move forward?